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Functional cookies are strictly necessary to provide the services of the shop, as well as for its proper functioning, so it is not possible to refuse their use. They allow the user to browse through our website and use the different options or services that exist on it.
The PHPSESSID cookie is native to PHP and allows websites to store serialised status data. On the website it is used to establish a user session and to pass state data through a temporary cookie, which is commonly known as a session cookie. These Cookies will only remain on your computer until you close your browser.
This is a cookie used by Prestashop to store information and keep the user's session open. It stores information such as currency, language, customer ID, among other data necessary for the proper functioning of the shop.
These are cookies that collect information about the advertisements shown to users of the website. They can be anonymous, if they only collect information about the advertising spaces shown without identifying the user, or personalised, if they collect personal information about the user of the shop by a third party, for the personalisation of these advertising spaces.
Collect information about the user's browsing experience in the shop, usually anonymously, although sometimes they also allow the user to be uniquely and unequivocally identified in order to obtain reports on the user's interests in the products or services offered by the shop.
Oakleys Sutro Lite er solbrillerne til dig, som skal bruge et par praktiske solbriller til løb eller cykling, men som ikke vil gå på kompromis med det moderigtige design. Det brede design giver en bred synsvinkel så du ikke overser noget på din vej og sikrer samtidig at du får den ultimative beskyttelse fra solen, vinden og hvad du ellers måtte møde. De er meget ventilerende og lette at have på hovedet. Solbrillerne kommer i en Matte Black ramme med Prizm 24K glas, som er velegnet til dage med masser af solskin. Linserne Lukker 11 procent lys igennem, frasorterer forstyrrende farver og fremhæver kontraster så du ikke misser nogle detaljer. Solbrillerne leveres med hardcase og pudseklud.